Frequently asked questions

Register online at https://digital.airselangor.com/hackathon-accounts/registration. Follow the instructions and submit your application through the registration form before the deadline.

No, participation in the Hackathon is free.

The Hackathon will be conducted as a hybrid event, with both virtual and physical elements. The virtual phase will be held online from 1st April 2024 to 29th April 2024. The live pitching session for shortlisted teams will be held physically on 28th May 2024, at a location to be announced later (within Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, or Putrajaya). 

Participation is only as part of a Team. Each team must consist of between 2 and 6 members. 

Participation can only be competed in one category and on one team. 

There are two categories for the Hackathon: 

Category 1: For Public: 

Individuals, professionals, university students, academicians, and enthusiasts from the public domain are eligible for this category. 

Category 2: For Employees of Air Selangor: 

Open exclusively to employees of Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd, except employees from the Digital & Analytics Centre (DAC) section. 

The following group or persons are not eligible to participate in this Hackathon: 

  • Advertising, promotion, and event agents and vendors who are directly involved with the Hackathon. 
  • Immediate family members (i.e. spouses, children, parents, brothers and sisters) of Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd employees, and such representatives and/or agents’ immediate family members (i.e. spouses, children, parents, brothers and sisters). 
  • Employees from the Digital & Analytics Centre (DAC) section of Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd. 

Yes, all shortlisted teams must attend the live pitching session on 28th May 2024. The teams are responsible for their own expenses such as travelling to and fro, accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses. 

The virtual phase of this Hackathon will be held online from 1st April 2024 to 29th April 2024. The live pitching session for shortlisted teams will be held physically on 28th May 2024, at a location to be announced later (within Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, or Putrajaya). 

The comprehensive briefing session for the above will be held on 20th March 2024. Explanation about the submission of work will be provided during the briefing session. 

The entries will be judged according to the following criteria (but not limited to):

Originality/Creativity (20%)

Uniqueness: How innovative and creative is the Solutions?

Novel Approach: Does the Solutions employ a new or unconventional method to address the problem?

Innovation (25%)

Technological Innovation: To what extent does the Solutions incorporate cutting-edge technologies or methodologies?

Problem-Solving Approach: How well does the Solutions address the defined problem or challenge?

Analytical Skills (10%)

Data Analysis: How effectively does the Solutions analyse and interpret data?

Insight Generation: Does the Solutions provide valuable insights or actionable recommendations based on the data analysis?

Strategic Thinking (15%)

Scalability: Can the Solutions be scaled or adapted for broader use or application?

Future Trends: Does it consider future trends and potential changes in technology or user behavior?

Relevancy: Are there strategies in place to adapt the solution over time and ensure its continued relevance?

Practical Implementation (30%)

Functionality: How well does the Solutions perform its intended functions?

User Experience: Is the Solutions user-friendly and accessible?

Feasibility: Is the Solutions realistically implementable in real-world scenarios?

Security: Is the Solutions secure and robust against potential cyber-attacks or breaches?

Each team may solve only one problem statement.

Yes, all teams that meet the full submission criteria and provide complete registration details will receive an electronic certificate of participation. 

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